Experiments in different medias.

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Experiments in different medias.

The horse in paper

I found this very hard media to use as is was very hard to add detail of contrast to the sculpture. I found it quite good for adding texture to the sculpture as I could rip the paper to give a rough effect of I could scrunch the paper to obtain the same effect. I could also leave the paper and mould the sculpture using folds, as this would enable me to create a smooth surface. I thought that my horse was to abstract compared to my other models. I found the paper useful for making the model sturdy, as the paper is light it does not need any support.
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The horse in wire

This was a great media to use for the model I was making because it is easy to sculpt into shape it produces an effect where the sculpture is transparent but strong. And the wire is fairly light so it is straightforward to support.

The horse in clay

I found this media the most useful to use as when using it I was able to obtain a great amount of detail and distinction. It would be my preferred media because it also has many tools which enable my to make the ...

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