Genre & Narrative

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Coursework Assignment 1

In this piece of coursework I will be comparing the opening sequences of two different films. This is so I can show how the genre and narrative are recognized and established. The first five minutes of a film are crucial. Although they may not seem that important, they are the moments when the viewer learns all about the genre and narrative. The first few minutes tells a viewer a lot about the film, they can then decide whether it’s worth watching or not. You can also predict a lot about the film from these first few minutes. The two films that I will be studying are Gladiator, which is and hybrid action/epic, and Sweet Home Alabama, which is a romantic comedy.

Genre simply means type. It is a way of classifying a film to help audiences identify it. It can help the audience choose what they want to watch and help them understand. Genre can be established by using codes and conventions. Convention is when something is repeated so often in media & texts that it becomes common and expected. Codes are either symbolic or technical; they are used to link signs to their meanings. For instance, posture is a symbolic code. Standing with your arms crossed could mean feeling defensive, unsocial or even uncomfortable. Shoulders and head drooping could mean sadness or low self esteem. What clothes you wear can say a lot about you. A ragged coat worn by a character may mean that they are poor and possibly hungry. Clothes can also say a lot about your cultural background. For instance, if you were wearing a sari it might suggest you are Asian, and wearing a bright colourful patterned piece of clothing could suggest one is African, and a kilt could suggest that one is Scottish. Another symbolic code is colour. The colour grey could mean misery, dull or boring, whereas, the colour yellow would mean happy, excited, bright & sunshine. The colour red implies anger, danger or passion.

Technical codes are to do with how a film is constructed. They relate to film techniques such as camera angles, shutter speed and lighting. A high camera angle symbolizes that someone or something is small or unimportant; it makes them seem less significant.  In contrast, a low camera angle indicates that something is overpowering, large and rather important.  The bird’s eye view can be used to put the audience in a god-like position as they are looking down on the action. A hand-held camera is usually used to film from a character’s point of view; this is where the audience can see through the characters eyes. Point Of View shot is when the camera is used to make the audience feel as if they are in the room.

Narrative is the way in which a story is put together, and presented in a film. A narrative can be established using codes and conventions of a specific genre. For example, a comedy will always include silly situations, jokes, stupid people and happy endings. Comedies are created to arouse laughter from the audience. An action/adventure movie will always include a hero and a villain as well as fighting, weapons, fire, explosions and possibly car chases. A musical will include random outbursts of singing, dancing, music and bright costumes. A chick flick is likely to have blonde people, romance, unlikely couples, dates, music and laughter. Horror films are unsettling films designed to frighten and panic, and cause dread and alarm. They include the dark, unsettling music, fake scares, death and blood. A western movie will have guns, horses fighting, shootouts, villains, hero(s), the desert, dramatic music and western clothing.

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The film Gladiator is about a successful Roman General known as Maximus, who only wishes for the battle in Germany to be over and return home to his family and farm. However things aren’t that simple for Maximus, the Emperor of Rome is about to die and tells Maximus that he wants him to become the next emperor as he does not trust his own son. At first Maximus refuses, but then he eventually agrees to take power when the emperor dies.

When the Emperor tells his son how he wishes his empire to be run, and by ...

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