How Does the Director Create Tension in the Opening of Jaws?

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How Does the Director Create Tension in the Opening of Jaws?

The media often shows sharks as fierce, fearless creatures that are capable and likely to eat anything that comes near them. This is mainly because of the numerous shark attacks that appear in the news. This gives sharks negative connotations. However, a small portion of the media shows them as beautiful misunderstood sea creatures, such as in documentaries.

At the very beginning of the film all that can be seen is a black screen but you can hear the sound of the sea in the background. This automatically gives the audience a suspicion as to what the film is about. Tension is created here because the audience may relate the black screen with danger and in the company of the sound of the sea they may presume that there is danger in the water. Tension and curiosity would also be created because the audience would be eager to find out what the danger in the water was and exactly how dangerous it was.

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In the opening sequence of Jaws the camera shows the point of view of the shark moving through the weeds at the bottom of the sea. This creates tension because it makes the audience feel as though the girl is being watched with out her knowing or being spied on. This point of view shot also makes the audience feel as though it is showing the sharks thoughts and emotions. It also seems as though it is showing that the shark is looking for prey. The audience would in addition be curious and nervous to see what is lurking in ...

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