Media Audience Essay

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Audience Essay

The codes and conventions of a film are the things featured in the film that make up the genre of the film, for example imagery, if a film was to be horror it would include imagery containing blood, darkness, monsters etc.. Scary images for example the movie ‘Saw’ it includes all the conventions of a horror movie, violence, blood, surprise, mystery and suspense are also used, but if it where a romance like ’27 dresses’ the imagery is of a romantic nature and to do with love, all through out the movie weddings are included, when the scenes are romantic the scenery is, for example, candles, dim lighting, romantic music. These are the aspects of a movie that keep the audience entertained as when a person watches a movie of a certain genre, for example horror, they are looking for the typical conventions of a horror movie whereas if someone where to watch a romantic comedy and where to see a movie that included horror conventions they would not be entertained as it is not what they wanted. It is important that the film keeps the audience entertained as if it doesn’t it will not get good feedback, the film company will lose profit and the movie will be unsuccessful. Codes and conventions can be split into three main groups, the groups are; Image [hair, clothing, and appearance], Audio [narrator, music, sound FX] and technical [Camera shots, angles, lighting]

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        A film company would target a specific audience for a specific genre of film, for example, animated films are usually targeted at families and young children, this is because the film suits the younger audience rather than a movie that was horror or action, these genre movies are usually targeted at older audiences rather than families as they include violence and may include scenes that are inappropriate for young children and if the film company  promotes a movie of such scenes the film company may get into trouble for promoting such material to children.

Films depend greatly on the ...

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