The A-Team Trailer. The trailer begins with a military gunfire at a funeral for the deceased. It then begins to set the scene of the film, after this it proceeds to introduce the main characters; who each have a specific stereotype.

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The A-Team Trailer

The A-team is about a group of Iraq War veterans’ who look to clear their name with the U.S. military, who suspect the four men of committing a crime for which they were framed.  The trailer begins with a military gunfire at a funeral for the deceased. It then begins to set the scene of the film, after this it proceeds to introduce the main characters; who each have a specific stereotype.  The main action clips at various camera angles now begins with much louder, faster, tension creating music.  All of these effects plus windows breaking, cars crashing and violence.

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Stereotyping is used widely throughout many films; this action packed film follows the trend.  It has a large black man who uses his size and power to his advantage to get his way, the rich white man wears a suit and speaks eloquently.  Also, there is a slightly dim person who does stupid things for comical effect for example; he attempts to jump start a car using a defibrillator; and obviously to complete the foursome, a slightly older, grey haired man.  His grey hair signifies his wisdom and knowledge.

The trailer uses darker colours predominately throughout as it is firstly ...

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