Types of leads that do not fall under the category of summaries are - Narrative, Contrast, Staccato, Direct address, Question, Quote, and None of the above.

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"Types of leads" that do not fall under the category of summaries are:

  • Narrative
  • Contrast
  • Staccato
  • Direct address
  • Question
  • Quote
  • None of the above

Narrative lead- Also Known As Anecdotal lead.

These leads are mainly used with soft news such as feature stories. A narrative describes the story to the readers in a colourful manner to engage them with it. This type of lead can be written in more than one paragraph. Writing a name in the lead is acceptable as long as the story involves that person, thus aiding the identification process for the readers and creates an emotional attachment, this process is also known as lead block.

        The paragraphs that come after help manifest an image of the story, to help continue in the narrative form. After the narrative paragraphs, an explanatory paragraph follows, also known as the 'nut graph'. This explains what the story is actually about; it is usually placed high in the story, and applies to other special types of leads too.

Writing a narrative lead: Observation is used to write what is noticed at the scene of the story. During the interviewing process the following should be taken into account about the interviewees:

  • How they move
  • Things that make them unusual
  • Their actions during the interview
  • The way they speak
  • Time taken for response to questions
  • Their clothes
  • Smells and sights around them

Contrast Leads-

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        These leads compare and contrast one person or more, one thing or more with another and are used with any types of news stories. The lead will usually last for 2 to 3 paragraphs with a setting sentence of the scene as the first one. However, it is also possible to last for just 1 paragraph. The lead tells the readers the difference between two things, what something was and what it is now, yesterday and today, past and the present etc. In the case of hard news, the lead reports the breaking news, as an effective replacement to ...

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