Citizenship By completing my activity I achieved my aim of raising as much money as possible for the Asian earthquake appeal. Overall I raised 83.40

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Jonny Sherwood


Stage 3 – Evaluation of Activity

By completing my activity I achieved my aim of raising as much money as possible for the Asian earthquake appeal. Overall I raised £83.40 which will be very helpful for those working on re-supplying and rebuilding the affected areas. I also got to experience how Muslims feel when they fast all day, and on a very small scale, how those who have to starve everyday feel. This has helped me to understand the suffering that some people in the world have to endure every single day.

While planning my activity I learnt that even a small charity raising event takes up a large amount of time, and many problems can be encountered. Problems I had included; finding a time and place it was suitable to fast, convincing people to sponsor me and finding an acceptable method of actually donating the money. I struggled to secure sponsors because people are often being asked for money which leads to compassion fatigue when people are tired of giving money away to charity, even though it’s for a good cause if they gave money away every time they were asked then they would end up giving away a large part of their income. This leaves it down to me to convince people that my cause is particularly worthy of their donations even if they wouldn’t normally donate. My research has taught me a lot about a few things. I learnt a lot about the Asian earthquake itself from the British Red Cross website, such as death figures, injury figures, which charities are involved and what kind of aid is needed. I also found out a lot about the culture of Islam, and the period of Ramadan.

The plan itself was carried off fairly smoothly; the only slight hitches were the difficulty of securing sponsorship and then collecting the money, with people forgetting about their promises to sponsor me. However these situations were all dealt with, ensuring that they did not affect my overall activity in any major way. The day of the activity worked well, with the plan being carried out effectively and I enjoyed myself in the process. The only slight problem on the day was Louis oversleeping by 20 minutes, meaning he only arrived at 8 20. An aspect of my plan that did not work so well was the plan to collect sponsor money from neighbours, people were reluctant to give money out to someone cold calling, even though I stated the cause people found it hard to invest in the activity because if they wanted to donate money they would have done it directly themselves, rather than through me. However I still did manage to secure a few sponsors from my neighbourhood, as shown on the application form. I think the few sponsorships that I secured in my neighbourhood was because of the reputation of the charity (as shown by the questionnaire) and therefore trusting me and the charity for the money to go to the right place.

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By doing my activity I have helped people on the other side of the world. I have contributed to the relief effort of the biggest natural disaster of the year. My activity has helped the British Red Cross in their attempts to help those affected in Pakistan and India.

I would definitely consider doing an activity like this in the future. I enjoyed the activity itself even though I was feeling very hungry towards the end, and also enjoyed the fact I was raising money for a god cause and helping those who are less fortunate than ...

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