Does The UK Need More Nuclear Power Stations?

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Does The UK Need More Nuclear Power Stations?

In this piece of coursework I am going to explain my opinion on the question “Does the UK need more nuclear power stations”.

Ever since it was discovered people have wanted and got as much electricity as they wanted, because of this the amount of electricity used and produced has being increasing very rapidly in the last 20years. This is causing several problems, especially the amount of pollution that is being produced by the ‘latest’ fossil fuelled power stations.

Arguments For and Against Nuclear Power


Politics-It is predicted that in the nest 15 years the government will be forced to repeat the 8 hour electricity rota, similar to what happened in the 1970’s miners strike. Also it is predicted that most of our oil and natural gas will need to come from politically unsafe countries, like Iraq or Russia and this means that they can use their production of fossil fuels as a political ‘lever’ and you would have situations like “If you do not give us compensation for X, Y or Z then we will shut down our pipelines”, this could cause tension between countries like Iraq and America, this could and probably will lead to another war.

Less Greenhouse Gases-Once built Nuclear Power Stations produce NO greenhouse gases, and while they are being built they equipment produces no more than if they were building a “normal” power station. This is a very important reason as at the moment the biggest worry is global warming, which is caused by burning fossil fuels, which could be reduced if the majority of our power was made my Nuclear Power Stations.


Nuclear Waste Disposal-Nuclear Waste stays highly radioactive for 1000’s of years and can cause severe radiation poisoning, cancer and even death if anybody is accidentally exposed to it, as what happened with Chernobyl. It is also expensive to store and transport High Level waste as it needs to be stored on special “casks” so that if there is an accident nothing should leak.

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Risk of Terrorist/Activist Attacks-Due to the controversial nature of Nuclear Power, the risks of attacks from less “scrupulous” activist groups is greater as they could feel that nuclear power is more of a “risk”. Terrorists and/or Suicide Bombers will also be more interested in a Nuclear Power Station as they know that the destructive power is a lot greater (again look at the destruction the Chernobyl caused) this would mean that if a Terrorist somehow breached the containment buildings (several meters of concrete and lead) they could wipe out a whole country and leave it uninhabitable for centuries.


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