Essay: Merchant of Venice

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Shakespeare’s style and language are very unique, elegant, and are quite complicated to understand for readers nowadays. Even though it is quite tricky, people nowadays are still interested in all of Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare didn't write his plays in a particular way to make it difficult or to be clever. Like every writer, he writes so that people can enjoy his stories. He created a particular style to try to make his stories more enjoyable. This is the same as a lot of

modern day TV serials and films. For instance, Quentin Tarantino makes his films in a stylized way. Some people don't like his films because they are not used to his style, while others call him a genius. The same is true with Shakespeare as well.

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On the surface, the main difference between the Christian characters and Shylock appears to be that the Christian characters value human relationships over the business ones, whereas Shylock is only interested in money. The Christian characters certainly view the matter this way. Merchants like Antonio lend money free of interest and put themselves at risk for those they love, whereas Shylock agonizes over the loss of his money and is reported to run through the streets crying, “O, my ducats! O, my daughter!” With these words, he apparently values his money at least as much as his daughter, suggesting ...

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