Science In The News - Should Old People Be Allowed To Drive?

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The the the the theThe question I am trying to answer is ‘Should Elderly People Be Allowed To Drive?’

The new information I am trying to find to help answer this question is how the eye develops as it ages, as this may result in poor eyesight. Another thing i am going to find out is the statistics about the age of people causing road incidents, as this will show i the elderly are responsible for many car accidents.

Here is the information that I have found out to help me answer the question and where I found it (the source).

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How useful is all the information I have collected or read in the article? Is it reliable?

The information i have collected is very reliable as it is all from official webpages giving unbiased information, also most of the information is not connected to the argument, i have just gathered it myself to support the argument.

The most important parts of the information are that more elderly people are the cause of car accidents than young or middle aged people, because of this if the elderly did ...

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