Coursework Plan: How fit are you?

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Devesh Parekh

Coursework Plan: How fit are you?

1) Initial opening sentence to start initial argument – Ich bin Fit…

Describe why I am fit – Sporting activities (Ich triebe Sport)

                           I eat healthy food most of the time.

What are my eating habits? Describe what I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner (lots of healthy foods such as salad.

What do I avoid in order to keep fit? Drugs (drogen), Alcohol (Alcohol trinken), etc.

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2) Secondary opening sentence to start secondary argument – I am fit but I still…

Only play a few sports – what have I done in the past, what sports am I doing at the moment and what extra sports will I do in the future so that I will become fitter.

Summarise what I normally do to become fit (from previous section) and state how these activities or habits can be changed to make them more effective – Ich spiele Tischtennis Jeden Montag, aber um fit zu bleiben, ich mu  zweimal in der Woche spiele.


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