Comment on How Schoenburg Uses the Following Music Elements in Peripetie from Five Orchestral Pieces

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Rore Erica Okoh 10 Sharman Music GCSE Mrs Yard

Comment on How Schoenburg Uses the Following Music Elements in Peripetie from Five Orchestral Pieces:

  • Structure
  • Texture
  • Instrumentation
  • Melody

Five Orchestral Pieces is an atonal Expressionist piece. The piece Peripetie is the fourth movement. Peripetie means 'a sudden change of fortune'. The piece is atonal and often with Schoenberg his music is quite dissonant, uses 12 chromatic music notes, has a rondo structure, a wide range of dynamics so a lot of extremes almost like terrace dymanics, the range is from fff to ppp and so only virtuosic could play his music and there is a overly large woodwind section. The movement falls into five sections A B A C A which is a rondo form.

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The Five Orchestral Pieces containing the Peripetie is written for a very large orchestra using three flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons, also a piccolo, cor anglais, clarinet in D, bass clarinet and contrabassoon. There are extra horns, trumpets, trombones and a tuba and also with percussion. Schoenburg was famous for writing pieces for instruments where they often play at the extreme of their registers.

The piece first starts of in the key of C, but because the piece lacks a key it continuously changes throughout. In the first few seconds of the piece the woodwind play triplets whilst the brass ...

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This is a good evaluation of the extract and includes most of the important points. I would recommend that the writer structures the essay under the headings bulleted in the question.