Description of personal warm up.

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Description of personal warm up

The general effects of warm ups:

  • Exposes not only muscles but joints and connective tissues to controlled stretching loads.
  • Decreases muscular tension.
  • Improved flexibility increases production of synovial fluid and increased efficiency of joint movement.
  • It increases the body and muscle temperature, which in turn increase muscle elasticity.
  • Stretching decreases the OBLA due to the onset of anaerobic work without which in turn limits the Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS).
  • Stretching decreases muscle cramp and increases full ROM in activities to follow and increases relaxation of stretched muscle.
  • Helps you psychologically prepare.
  • Increase in the rate that energy is released in the body (metabolic rate)

There are 3 main parts to a warm up; I have identified these as:

  1. Pulse raiser
  2. Stretching
  3. Skill specific exercise

I break my warm up down into a simple word; FITT

F= Frequency                I=Intensity                T=time/duration        T=Type of activity

General warm up                                        Specific warm up

F        Before every work out/practice        F        Before every workout/practice

I        Light to moderate                        I        Light to moderate

T        5-10 minutes                                T        5-10 minutes

T        A general warm up should                 T        Should include movements and stret-

usually include various joint rotations                 ches that either mimic or are actual         

gentle twisting and bending movements                movements, performed at reduced        

followed by light Callisthenics, brisk                            level of intensity. Balance exercises

walking, jogging/cycling or skipping.                Can be included here an will

                                                        improve levels of Neuromuscular co-

                                                        ordination and concentration.

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I have found that to optimise the efficiency of my nervous system, I spend the last 3-5 minutes of my warm up on some basic balance and dynamic flexibility exercises.

My personal warm up broke down into these sections;

Pulse raiser: Generally I began by walking around a specific area for example the hall where I am training, just focusing my mind off the day gone by and the tasks in hand as I walk around. After a lap I begin to jog, as I approach different areas of the hall I begin to introduce new things, thus ...

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