Explaining fitness requirements for achieving excellence in cheerleading

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Aime Grieve          17th October       M1

Explaining fitness requirements for achieving excellence in cheerleading



Muscular strength
Aerobic endurance

Power is calculated in the following way, strength X speed. If you have both components you will perform with power. In cheerleading you will need power because you will have to jump loads when performing a routine. If you have no power you won’t be able you jump high enough for people to catch you or throw you in the air. You also need power when you’re the one throwing someone in the air because if you cant throw them high enough it may interfere with the routine and may not be able to execute a move to a high standard.

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Balance is the ability to keep control of your body at all times. When doing cheerleading, you will need balance because you may have to stand on one foot in some routines. Sometimes you may even be in the air so if you have no balance you will fall over and cause injury to yourself. This applies to landing too; you could be thrown up to 20 meters in the air and if you don’t land with stability you could do serious damage.



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