GCSE P.E Health related training programme

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Charmaine Lindsay 11G

GCSE P.E Health-related Exercise/Training Programme

Candidate Name: Charmaine Lindsay

Candidate Number: 2118

Centre Number: 14217

Sport/Activity: Netball

Training Method: Circuit Training

Personal Fitness Profile

I have two P.E lessons and I walk most places everyday. This is approximately how much physical activity I get in a typical week.

I don’t have any injuries or health problems. I think I am quite fit because I get enough exercise, but I want to develop my fitness and I think it can be improved.

At the end of the 5 sessions I want my fitness to have improved and I want the skills that I need for netball to be a lot more developed.

Awareness of Safety Aspects

Equipment/apparatus used in any sport all carry potential risks. For example, if the activity needs a ball, it could injure someone if the ball is thrown and it hits them. Sports with smaller balls such as tennis or cricket etc. are more dangerous because they would carry more speed and so have a harder hit. If the sport requires a racket then the players need to be careful that they don’t hit each other with them because that could cause injury.

You should consider certain factors when planning the order/types of exercise. You need to make sure that there is enough space around each exercise so no-one will hurt each other. Also, don’t make the exercise so intensive that the person cannot handle it and injure themselves. The order of the exercises should be, for example, you have an exercise that works your arms then after an exercise for your legs, so that each body part gets a rest in between each exercise.

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Before exercise I need to prepare my body, and to do that I have to perform a warm-up which raises my heart rate and then stretch. At the end of exercise I need to recover so I do a warm down exercise and stretch to bring my heart rate down back to normal.

Appropriateness of Chosen Exercise

My first exercise is shooting in netball post and I chose this because I wanted to develop my shooting skills. My aim needs to be as accurate as possible. I need to improve on it because it ...

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