
Health is physical, mental, cultural and social well being of a person, who is also free of any disease or illness. Among many other factors in order to have good health we should: -

  • Eat sensibly
  • Take regular physical activity in which you are enjoying yourself
  • Get regular rest and sleep
  • Limit your dose of alcohol related drinks.
  • Not to take in any form of Drugs that have serious effects on you.
  • Improve out ability to cope with stress


 Is the body’s ability to cope with a physical demand placed on it with little fatigue? The higher the level of fitness of the body the more efficiently it can handle the great physical demands on our bodies. However fitness means different things to different people, for example, a marathon runner may be quite unfit for lifting weights. There is a minimal level of fitness, which we need to have good health. 

We need to train to improve out fitness level, when planning a fitness programme, we should follow the FITT principles : Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

Frequency – How often we train.

  • We should train at least three times a week to improve our fitness.
  • The body needs recovery time to recover from each training session.
  • We should spread these sessions out over the week.

Intensity – How hard we train.

  • We will only get fitter if we work our body systems hard enough to make them adapt.
  • We must start at the right intensity, depending on our current fitness.
  • We must understand and use our training thresholds.  
  • Needs to be between 60% and 80% of our maximum heart rate.

Time – How long we train.

  • To improve aerobic fitness our training sessions should last longer and our working heart rate level should rise.
  • Each session should last at least 20 minutes to gain any real benefit.

Type – What kind of training we do.

  • We should analyse our particular sport to know the fitness and skills we need.
  • The training programme should include types of activity to develop these skills and fitness.

Physical Fitness

There are 5 types of main components in our physical fitness. The first 4 are know as the  4’s.

Strength –

This is the ability to carry out daily tasks with ease. In football strength would be needed to apply force and the ability to overcome resistance of opposing players. For example, using your weight to push someone away from the ball or even to take a strong shot, strength is needed in both legs and arms.  

Speed –

This is the ability to move all or part of the body as quickly as possibly. We use anaerobic energy to supply our muscles for fast bursts. This is also essential in Football as a good striker and needs to get away quickly from the defenders, also the defenders need to be quick in order to keep up with the opposing strikers.

Stamina/endurance –

This is the ability to work for long periods of time without becoming fatigued. This is vital in football, as a game of football last 90minutes, there is a break, however a player, plays football for at least 45minutes without taking a break, if the stamina is not good, then the player would get fatigued during the match, which could result in a loss.  

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Suppleness/flexibility –

This is the ability to move our joints through their full range of movement. Flexibility is vital to stay healthy and avoid injury. This is also needed in football, as a striker and a goalkeeper, they need to get to other places very quickly, they need to react very quickly, for example, the striker needs to act quickly if the ball is played into him and the keeper needs to be aware of the strikers, if they shoot he would need to dive and save the ball from going into the back of the net.  


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