Muscles. The following letter will highlight key information on muscles, contractions and fibres, and will hopefully be informative.

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To the Editor,

                The following letter will highlight key information on muscles, contractions and fibres, and will hopefully be informative.

Muscle Types

Firstly, I will highlight the different types of muscle in the body.

  1. Voluntary Muscles

These are known as skeletal muscles, and are under our conscious control. They can also be known as striated, and examples of them include the Biceps and Triceps – they control movement at a joint.

  1. Involuntary Muscles

These are not under our conscious control, and are also known as smooth muscle. They are found in the walls of arteries, veins, stomach and intestines.

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  1. Cardiac Muscles

Cardiac muscles are found in the heart, and are not under conscious control, either. They never die due to a rich oxygen supply.

Muscles contractions

Muscles function by contracting (they never . The origin of a muscle is always attached to a stationary bone, and acts as an anchor; the insertion inserts across a joint and attaches to a moving bone. For example, the origin of the bicep is found near the shoulder, and it inserts across the elbow to move the forearm.

There are two types of muscle contraction: isotonic ...

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