My Fitness results and how I can improve them

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Task 5

My Fitness results and how I can improve them

Body Composition

For my client the skinfold test which measures body fat percentage is an easy method of discovering correct body weight and composition. It is a useful test because the measurements taken are plugged into a formula to determine your percent body fat. A major advantage of this test is that it is readily available at most health clubs, sports clubs and hospitals. The only drawback is that results can vary greatly in the hands of an inexperienced technician. This information is very useful because no doubt about it excess body fat hinders performance in my sport which is football. Outstanding sports men and women come in all shapes and sizes, even within the same sport but it’s not your weight that matters but your body fat percentage. In football excess body fat can be related to injury (think Gazza), non adherence to training and overall reduced athletic performance. A high body fat percentage acts as dead weight reducing speed and efficiency of movement.

A high body fat percentage is also negative to jumping, agility and endurance activities. Even those footballers who want to gain weight will harm their performance by increasing body fat too much. My clients result was 12.4 which compared to the norm tables is good. Compared to the rest of the group my clients result was superior. Regarding football I would say that the ideal body composition would be between 9% and 12% so my client was a shade outside. I think that the result my client got is good enough to perform to a high standard as a footballer. The absolute perfect body fat percentage for football does not exist. Age and gender make a big contribution to the ideal value, but most importantly everyone is an individual. Some people might feel and perform better at a higher or lower body fat percentage than others of the same age and sex. And that's why I think that my client may not need to improve much in his body composition although a percentage or two probably wouldn’t hurt.

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How can this result be improved?

To improve this result my client will have to enter a strict exercise and nutrition program and will need to be highly motivated. Calorie burning is the best way to achieve it. The most effective way to lose body fat is to burn slightly more calories than you take in, and to continue this negative energy balance over an extended period of time. To help achieve this my client could cycle, swim, row or run at a modest intensity.

Blood Pressure

At rest, a typical blood pressure might read 120/75 mm Hg. During ...

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