Reaching Out

Cardiovascular Endurance: The ability of the heart, lung, and circulatory system to supply oxygen to the working muscles.

Test = Beep Test

Strength: The ability of a muscle to generate force against a resistence.

Test = Seated Basketball Throw

Flexibility: The range of movement of a joint or group of joints.

Test = Sit and Reach

Muscular Endurance: The ability of a muscle to repeat muscle contractions against a resistence.

Test = Sit Ups

Body Composition: The Body’s fat percentage.

Test = BMI, Body Mass Index

Power: The quick performance of a muscle against resistence.

Test = Medicine Ball Throw

Balance: The ability to maintain the body in equilibrium.

Test = Stork Stand

Agility: The ability to change direction quickly and control whole body movements.

Test = 5 Metres Test

Speed: The ability to perform a movement quickly.

Test = 40 Metres Sprint

Co-ordination: The use of two or more parts of the body in a controlled way.

Test = Flick Stick Test

Reaction Time: The movement response time to a certain stimulus.

Test = Ruler Drop

Measurement of physical Fitness allows us to:

  • Motivate
  • Identify Talent
  • Plan Specific Programs
  • Monitor Training Progress
  • Assess throughout injury rehabilitation
  • Establish individual and group fitness levels

Good Mental Health is important in helping us to function appropriately and effectively in all aspects of our lives.

The common image of a healthy person is of someone who is physically fit or does not have an illness. There is more to health than this though and health, or well being, has five major dimensions.

  • Cognitive Health- Is your smartness.
  • Physical Health- To exercise and get stronger.
  • Social Health- To hang around with friends, and have conservation.
  • Emotional Health- How you feel.
  • Spiritual Health- Having pride and Spirit.

Sexual feelings are something each of us must deal with as we enter adulthood and become ‘Sexual Beings’. If we are not informed about sexuality, we can find ourselves in situations we are not prepared for. That’s when problems like unplanned pregnancy, emotional hurt and transmission of disease can occur. We have a right to say “No” to unwanted advice and we should never force sexuality on another person.

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An STD is a disease which is passed from one person to another by any kind of sex.

STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Anyone who has sex can get a STD. Symptoms include:

  • Unusual discharge from the vagina, penis, or anus.
  • Burning pain, stinging or irritation when urinating.
  • Any sores, blisters, lumps in the skin or rashes near your genitals.
  • Rapid weight loss
  • A lower abdominal pain, pain during sex
  • Persistent diarrhoea
  • A rash that isn’t itchy on your hands or feet
  • Itching in your pubic hair
  • Night sweats

Any ...

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