Personal exercise plan


I am going to organise my plan and then perform a personal exercise program, the overall aims of my personal training programme are to: -

. Improve specific and current fitness levels required for my sporting activity football e.g. Cardio vascular endurance

2. To improve fitness levels so I can concentrate more on my techniques and skills without having to worry about whether I can endure a full practice session.

3. To improve the level of the standard of my performance and become more successful with my chosen sport 'football'.

I will organise a set number of sessions over a period of time these will be spread out sufficiently so that I have enough recovery time between each training session. This will be about three times a week with two days rest periods in between. The standard of football I'm at is a very high standard with me training regularly about twice a week plus games on the weekend. I also compete at Borough and County levels.

The individual differences of an athlete mean that the benefits of training are optimised when programmes are set to meet the needs and abilities of an individual. An aspect, which may help me to succeed, may not help another this always has to be taken into account when devising my fitness programme.

Fitness Requirements

Muscular Strength is required in football and is an aspect of my fitness which I feel could be improved, this will help me as it will mean that the extra strength will help me to win the ball in the air and in tackles helping me to be more successful within football. To gain better muscular strength I will be carrying out:

Weight training sessions; in order to develop this aspect of my fitness. In order to improve my muscle strength, I will not only be using the weight machines at the local gym but also free weights. To gain muscle strength I will use medium to heavy weights (70-80 per cent IMR) and will perform a low number of repetitions.

Flexibility - This factor of fitness is needed in every sport and is needed sufficiently within football to perform at a high level. Flexibility is the range of movements possible at a joint; the elasticity of ligaments, tendons, the strength of the surrounding muscles and the shape of articulating bones determine the range of these movements. The ability to carry out a wide range of movement's means I can perform even constantly required movements such as shooting the football at a higher level. Flexibility is lost very quickly through inactivity and the athlete must constantly develop a lack of flexibility training and so. Flexibility work should be carried out at the beginning of the training session after a warm up when the muscles are warm, though must be done lightly and at the end of a training session when the muscles are at there warmest as part of a warm down.

I scored highly on the sit and reach test, which indicates that I have a good amount of flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back. From the national averages my results are rated excellent

Speed and power - is needed within football and especially with the position I play in. As I play on the wings in midfield I am required to have speed and power to attack on breaks and take players on but also to get back on a defensive role. Speed will need to be improved to gain a higher level of performance when attacking with the ball.

Power will enable me to compete with greater success when trying to win the ball in a tackle and in the air.

* Power is the amount of work done per unit of time, so when we consider human movement is the product of strength and speed.

* The same work (strength) can be done in a shorter period of time (speed).

An increased amount of work (strength) can be done in the same period of time.

On my personal fitness profile the power aspect of my fitness scored very highly but I still need there is room for improvement. Plyometric training would be necessary for me to improve this area of my fitness. Plyometrics is a method of training, which may improve the speed at which a muscle shortens.
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It has long been established that muscles generate more force in contraction when they have been previously stretched. Plyometrics enables this to occur by taking through an eccentric (lengthened) phase before a powerful concentric (shortening) phase. This stimulates adaptation within the neuromuscular system whereby the muscle spindles within the muscle causing a stretch reflex, which prevents muscle damage and produces a more powerful concentric contraction of the muscle group. This has important consequences for sprinting, jumping and throwing events in athletics, as well as in games such as football, volleyball and basketball where leg strength is central to ...

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