Personal Exercise Programme

Purpose / Aim of the Personal Exersise programme

My personal aim for this personal Exercise Programme is to improve my stamina and as well as my endurance. My other aims are to:

  • Improve my speed.
  • Improve my muscular strength.
  • Improve my muscular endurance.

My chosen sport is Tennis, and this sport involves strength, muscle endurance, endurance and speed. Fitness however has two components which are health related which are physiologically based and determines the ability of an individual to meet the physical demands of the activity, and also the skill related factors which are based upon the neuromuscular system and determines how successful a person can perform a specific skill.

Health related components include strength, speed, flexibility and muscular endurance, whereas skill related component that takes place in Tennis is agility.

The reasons for doing this Personal Exercise programme are:-

  • To identify the strengths and weaknesses of myself.
  • To monitor my performance.
  • To modify a training programme and to assess the value of different types of training.
  • To predict athletic and physiological potential that I may have.
  • To enhance my motivation and self confidence.
  • To make comparisons with the national averages of all the physical activities that I will do and with previous tests.
  • To identify overtraining syndrome.

Below are the main fitness components involved in the game of Tennis.

  • Strength – This is the maximum force developed in a muscle or group of muscles throughout a single maximal contraction and relates to the ability of the body to apply a force. Strength can be split into three sections:-

  1. Maximum strength.
  2. Elastic strength.
  3. Strength endurance.

  • Tennis involves strength endurance because it requires repeated contractions and being able to withstand fatigue. There are many different ways to improve this, such as working in the gym with the weights and good exercises might include hamstring stretch, shoulder stretch, groin stretch, Achilles stretch, sit ups and step ups. But as the body ages, less proteins become available in the body for muscle growth, and the stress and anaerobic nature of strength training.

  • Speed – This is the ability to put the body parts into quick motion and being able to move to a given point in a short space of time. This also gives you better balance and control. The explosive movement depends on the efficiency of muscle; how fast, far and for how long they will contrast and stretch. Good exercise for this is knee lifts and ‘Star’ jumps. A simple test for speed is the 30 metre sprint and all this involves is sprinting as hard as you can for this distance and recording the time at the end and the advantage of this is that the equipment is readily available. The FTG (fast twitch) muscle fibres come into benefit here because when doing running activities, energy is being released from muscular contractions very quickly and rapidly. You must have the ability to do this in Tennis, particularly when running from the position of the base line to coming in at the net for a volley.

  • Muscular Endurance – This is the ability of a muscle or a group of them and trying to constant repeat a contraction against a resistance for a long period of time. A rich supply of blood will be received at the slow twitch muscles and this gives the most efficient production of aerobic energy. This is necessary due to the demands made through continuous heavy action in one way, such as the serve which puts pressure on the shoulder, the arm, the stomach and the back. Therefore these muscle areas should be built up in order to cope with this strain. There are many numbers of good strengthening programmes that may be worked out in a gym, using free weights. It is very easy to over bulk muscles through overtraining to the point where it becomes counter productive to Tennis. It relies upon the efficiency of the body to produce energy under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. A test for this is the abdominal conditioning test where you perform as many sit-ups as you can, within a certain duration of time. You have to keep to the bleeps on the tape and your partner has to count the number of sit-up that is performed in that time. The advantages of this is that large numbers of people can take part at once, there is little equipment – so setting it up is quick and the abdominal muscles can be easily isolated.
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  • Flexibility – This is the range of movement possible at a joint and is determined by the elasticity of ligaments and tendons. The degree of movement is determined by the type of joint which is working. An example is the hinge joint at the knee (which is designed for stability). For a tennis player, the bending of the knees are important for producing top spin of a shot, as well as being about to position yourself with a volley. This allows flexion and extension at the lower leg at the uniaxial plane. The movement of many directions ...

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