Skills needed for survival

We’ll show you here, the basic skills you would need, or find helpful to survive in case of getting lost or stranded on a deserted tropical island. They are:

  • Starting a Fire
  • Making a Shelter
  • Getting Food
  • Getting Water

Before starting, we’ll have to know the three basic survival priorities, often called as the “Rule of Three”:

  1. Humans cannot survive more than three hours exposed to extreme low-temperature.
  2. Humans cannot survive more than three days without water.
  3. Humans cannot survive more than three weeks without food.

Although this is only an estimate, and it also depends on the situation you’re in, and depends on person to person, you should always have this in mind.

Knowing, and learning the survival skills would mean increasing the chances of surviving in the survival situation, in this case, on a deserted tropical island. This is why we advise you to know and learn the skills.

Fire Making Skill 

Fire is one of the most important things you would need in survival. Fire provides heat and light. Heat can be useful, as it allows the body to be warmed, wet clothes to be dried, water to be purified, and food to be cooked. Fire also keeps away wild creatures, and so you can have a peace rest at night. And last of all, fire and smoke can be used for signaling very long distances.

First of all, you have to understand what four things are needed to start a fire and keep it burning:

  1. Fuel including wood, gasoline, coal, dried animal dung, alcohol, or other material that burns.
  2. Heat, for example that initially provided by a match or rubbing two sticks together.
  3. Oxygen from the surrounding air that is consumed during the burning process.
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So how do you actually start a fire?

Of course, the easiest and the simplest way to make fire, is having special survival kit like a waterproof match, lighter or flint and steel. You can start a fire easily with those and they are also small so easy to bring. Light the tinder with fire, and you will have a controlled fire (picture on right shows how to start a fire with flint and steel). If you have a high level of fire making skill, it is possible to start a fire from rubbing two sticks together. Though this ...

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