Emeli Kallberg, Pi The tripod of feeling good Rest, food and exercise are the three legs, depending on each other, on the tripod of feeling good and healthy. If you skip one of them or do to much of one the tripod  falls over or tilts. If you have the right combination of these three you should feel good, both body and mind. But how do you know what you should eat or how much you should train and sleep?FoodFood is our energy source and building material, but all food aren’t good. You don’t just have to eat the right food, you have to combine it right to. Since every individual’s body is unique, the same food combination doesn’t always work on everybody. What you eat is regimented by what you do, if you train 2-3 hours a day you shouldn’t have the same food combination as a person who just take a walk 2-3 times a week.To have a good combination you have to think about how
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much you exercise and plan your meals around that. If you train much you need more energy; you should therefore eat many carbohydrates and less protein and vegetables, since carbohydrates is the richest energy source. When you are loading for a contest you should upload with slow carbohydrates, like pasta or potatoes, which is stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver until you competing. And after a competition is it important to refill your glycogen storage by eat or drinking something with fast carbohydrates, such as a banana or sports drink. How much carbohydrates you should eat depends on ...

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