Training program for the 400m.

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Training program for the 400m


At the start of the program we chose an event or sport for which we would train. We then evaluated which elements of fitness were required for this particular sport and developed a certain set of tests, which could evaluate our performance in this event. We then developed a training program, which could help us develop in this event. The aim of this was to see if we could develop an efficient training program specific to our event, which could help us to improve.


My hypothesis is that I will improve my 400m by at least 5 seconds by the end of my training program.


We started off by finding which elements of fitness were required for our event, I chose the 400m and I then went through all of the elements of fitness evaluating their importance in the 400m:

Strength In the 400m sprint, strength is quite important, but strength is mainly force exerted against resistance, and there is not much resistance to the movement of muscles during the 400m.

Power Power is vital during the 400m as it is the ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements, and during the sprint start and sprint finish, and the other parts of the race, quick bursts of movement will be extremely useful.


Agility is not very important in the 400m as you only have to run in a straight line, where as in gymnastics agility would be vital to your achievements. However a slight hint of agility is necessary to be able to develop the optimum running style round bends etc.


Balance is again not very important in the 400m, obviously you will have to be able to stand up, but you will not need to be able to do handstands or front flips, so just as long as you can run without falling over you will not need to work on balance


This is the ability to achieve an extended range of motion without being impeded by excess tissue, i.e. fat or muscle, this can be very useful in 400m as you will have to be able to run in the most efficient manner without restriction to reach your maximum speed.
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Local muscular endurance

This is a single muscle's ability to perform sustained work. When you are running the 400m, your upper body and your legs will be doing the work, in a way this is local muscular endurance but in two different places at once, so you will have to work on upper body strength and leg strength.

Cardiovascular Endurance

This is the heart's ability to deliver blood to working muscles and their ability to use it, this is quite useful in the 400m however, it would be much more useful to a long ...

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