After the March revolution and the Tsar's resignation, why did the Provisional Government last for only eight months?

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After the March Revolution and then the Tsar’s resignation, the members of the Duma reluctantly formed a middle-class Provisional Government. It planned to control Russia until suitable party elections could be set up, and it could hand over power to the party elected by the people. However, after only eight months, in the November Revolution, the Bolsheviks, under Lenin, took control from the Provisional Government.

The Provisional Government that took over was created out of a mix of different people. Middle-class members of the Duma were mixed with inexperienced and angry revolutionaries. Even in the educated people from the Duma, there were extreme divisions; people from different parties wanted different things, and this affected the Provisional Government’s ability to make decisions and act on them quickly. This made the Provisional Government weak and divided.

        The Russian people were worried about the Provisional Government – it hadn’t been elected by the people, and although it said it would hand over to a new Constituent Assembly, after the revolutions they couldn’t be too sure it wouldn’t try and hold onto its’ power, and that they had swapped one dictatorship for another. To many people it seemed the Provisional Government had made no real changes, and was just a new set of people in charge instead of the Tsar; AJP Taylor, a British historian wrote this: ‘Otherwise nothing had changed. The Provisional Government simply carried on the old system, just as a hen continues to run round the yard when its head has been cut off.’ This said, at the beginning the Russian people did want to give the Provisional Government a chance to sort out the crisis, but by the end they were revolting against it.

        The fact that it was weak and unable to make quick and precise decisions, organising and putting into effect what it wanted to do, was one of the reasons that the Provisional Government lasted for only eight months.

The Russian people wanted quick improvements in living conditions, yet this did not happen due to the Provisional Governments’ slowness and disarray. Housing that was built was built slowly and on a small scale. Materials, equipment, and the means to transport it was needed for the army, and could not be spared for housing. When the Russian people looked at the other governments of Europe, they saw people living in good houses and in good conditions. When the people chose to have a democratic government over another dictatorship, these were the governments they wanted and aspired to, and when the Provisional Government did not compare even with the living conditions of the others, people began to loose faith.

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One of the reasons the  Provisional Government lasted only eight months was because of the peasants’ unhappiness and lost faith in it.

The continuation of the war created more divisions between the already weak Provisional Government, and it also used the equipment and materials needed for a quick improvement in living conditions.

        To the peasants and workers, already enduring bad conditions, the war seemed to be taking all the hardships they already had, and made them worse. Food and equipment were confiscated for the army and as a result the prices went up, living conditions were made no better. ...

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