Are government justified in controlling the flow of information to their citizens?

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Are government justified in controlling the flow of information to their citizens?

What would happen if a government held all information back from their citizens? Would you be willing to trust the government to make the right decisions for you? How would you know that they were going to be a responsible government and heed your wishes as a citizen?  The dilemma is that you couldn’t know for sure. What if it was an important decision on where your tax dollars were going? How could you trust someone with decisions if they were with holding information from you?

In a responsible democratic government information is given to us. But in some cases information is with held about money not because it is a question of national security but because the people behind the decisions are doing it for personal gain. The government is looking out for its own interest and not its citizen. The people elect governments into parliament because they are supposed to look after the people’s best interests. This didn’t happened with the Canadian liberal government and the sponsorship scandal. The government with held information about $100 million dollars and where it was being spent. The government gave it to various crown corporations who supported the liberal party. The liberal party still can’t account for who spent the money and where it was spent. Now the country is out of $100 million because the government didn’t feel obligated to inform their citizens about their expenditures. This is the perfect example of why the government should inform the public of their actions.

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However there are some situations where the government should withhold information for the benefit of the country. Imagine if the people were informed about everything the government was doing or what they planned to do. This society would be quite unstable. During times of war, the government can validate withholding information for national security. If the government had informed the people of their plans for Operation Overlord, D-Day may not have been successful. Another example is during the Vietnamese war. One reason the Americans were not successful is because they didn’t control the media. Discontent over the war grew ...

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