Assess the reason why the Italian people were so disillusioned with the liberal government after World War 1

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Nicholas Subramaniam                12CMH6

Assess the reason why the Italian people were so disillusioned with the liberal government after World War 1

The first world war had caused the problems that Italy was facing much worse. The problems although possibly fixable were made worse by the liberal government's incompetence. The economic problems was a major factor in the public's distrust of the government which turned the people of the country to socialism and workers unions, which caused more problems for the government and in turn the people due to such things as strikes and the bienno russo.  The government's failure to take decisive action led to a weakened grip and made it seem as the government had little control of action that was occurring in the state it was meant to be ruling. This was further exemplified when D'Annunizio lead a gang of nationalist and seized Fiume again the governments inability to take control of the situation demonstrated its weakness. How Italy coped in the war made people lose face, as although they were on the winning side of the war, Italy's personal outcome had made the war feel in vain.

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The major reason to why the Italian people became disillusioned with the government was the economic situation. Not only was it a major problem itself but also led to consequences that followed  which made things for the government worse as they failed to amend the problems. The war was expensive for Italy, the cost of supplying its soldiers with food and equipment necessary was proven to be a very expensive task for the treasury, so Italy had been forced to borrow large amount of monies from its allies. This meant the debt that Italy was facing had dramatically risen ...

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