Citizenship coursework "A topical Issue"

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Citizenship Coursework B: A Topical Issue

For my citizenship coursework I have chosen to write about the topic ‘Animal Testing”. I have chosen this topic because it is a controversial issue as many people are for and against. Almost every medical treatment you use has been tested on animals. More than 2.7 million animals are tested a year around the world, animals are used to test products ranging from shampoo to new cancer drugs. British law requires that any new drug must be tested on at least two different species of live mammal. Animal rights activists claim that because animal experiments are not completely reliable, they should not be used at all.

   In this essay I am going to be using two articles from the guardian newspaper. One is called “Gandhi’s way wont do” and the other is called “if mice could talk”. They are both discussing animal testing. One of them is if animal testing should carry on and the other is if animal testing should stop completely.

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   The first article is written by Heather Tomlinson. In the article which is called, “if mice could talk” she wrote that if animal testing was banned completely by someone like the government it would cut down the development of new effective drugs for diseases, which would be bad as these diseases are deadly and drugs need to be found to cure them. She also thinks that the violent animal rights protesters are making the most impact in the debate because the protesters are interrupting the debate and making a mess of it, and she doesn’t think this is fair. ...

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