Evaluate the pluralist claim that power is distributed among competing interest groups in society.

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Evaluate the pluralist claim that power is distributed among competing interests groups in society.

Pluralism is a theory which claims to explain the nature and distribution of power within Western societies.

According to Max Weber, the term power can ultimately be described as;

'The chance of a man or a number of men to realize their own will in a communal action even against the resistance of others who are participating in this action'.

Weber identified different types of authority claiming that there were three different sources. The first was charismatic authority; this type of authority is created by 'the devotion of subordinates for a leader who is thought to have exceptional values. Charismatic leaders are able to sway and control their followers by direct emotional appeals which excite devotion and strong loyalties.

The second type of authority is known as
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The pluralist perspective of power within the state has been highly influenced by Weber's theory of the three sources of power. However in their argument, pluralists tend to concentrate on the desires of groups or individuals to achieve a particular end. The pluralist view is that 'power is best measured by comparing the stated wishes of individuals or groups to the decisions made by the government'.

Steven Luke's ideas of power although radical are sometimes similar to those of the pluralist. Luke argued that power has three dimensions rather than just one. According to Luke, the first ...

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