Gun Control

I as a teenager understand the idea of people thinking that Gun control was just some way so that they can keep control of their slaves or provide a way of protection for your families or for yourself. But gun control is very important if it was not put in affect how could you feel safe walking around knowing that someone could come and shoot you for all your money and you couldn’t do anything to stop them. How could you feel safe in your house knowing there are guns everywhere and maybe a little niece, nephew, cousin, or even a friend of theirs is in the house and finds those guns?

       It is obvious that someone who is willing to do a major crime like murder, isn't likely to worry about a gun control law. The object of gun control is to make it hard for someone that's likely to commit a crime from getting a gun and even harder to get a gun capable of killing dozens of people. The Treasury and Justice departments had released a study, which had found that 18- to 20-year-olds, 4 percent of the total population account for 24 percent of gun murders in United States.

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      Guns are made for one purpose, and that purpose is to kill. Guns are especially dangerous in the hands of people who don't know how to use them (i.e., kids and teenagers) as well as those who are mentally ill and/or have a temper problem. Look at how easily young people get access to guns. This combined with an unhealthy approach to conflict resolution is what causes so many people to be killed by gunshot wounds. The more instruments of death and injury can be removed from our society, the safer it will be. In the U.S.A ...

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