Many of the political observers consider functions of the British Parliament as a constantly changing in accordance with public demands and political ambitions. Discuss

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       Many of the political observers consider functions of the British Parliament as a constantly changing in accordance with public demands and political ambitions.

In the 11th century for example when Parliament has had its origins, its main function was giving an advice to Saxon monarchs by assembly of the wise called “Witangemot”. Further historical events like Civil War enforced power of the Parliament. Commons magnified its power; William of Orange granted the throne accepted Bill of Rights which limited royal prerogative. This was the end of the monarchs claim to absolute power and acceptance of parliamentary government.

Parliament carries out a wide range of highly significant functions.

First function is a legitimating. The executive chosen from the Commons, having a support of majority of MP’s nearly elects itself. Current political situation is an applicable example, where Labour Party consisting of 416 MP’s has a power to force almost any Bill. This does not stop supporters of the government to maintain the scrutiny process, the second and equally important function. Government expenditure, policy proposals and executive actions are all subject to examination by Parliament.

Another function is legislation. “Much of this is a ritual, since the Governing majority in the House of Commons nearly always has its way” (Neil McNaughton in “Success in Politics”). Even if process of legislation is a formality in order for law to become legislative must be approved in both Houses.

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Making Government accountable is one of Parliament’s primary functions. The executive must answer to the Parliament. This process is exercised in particular during the Question Time in the House of Lords. Committees are also set up to provide expertise in best interest of the public.

Next function is representation. An MP may be elected on a party platform, represents geographical area in the UK. His interest should be his constituents regardless of the party he is associated to.

Parliament is also engaged in the process of recruitment of government ministers. The vast majority of government ministers are recruited ...

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