Notes on Gandhi.

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869, October 2

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born


Marries Kasturbai

888, Sept. 4

Sails to England to study law

891, September

Called to the Bar, returns to India


Practices law at Rajkot and Bombay

893, April

Leaves for South Africa for the first time; acts as a legal consultant

893, May-June

Experiences racial discrimination and decides to fight against racial prejudices in South Africa


Returns to India to organise support for Indians in South Africa

896, Nov. 30

Returns to South Africa with wife and children


Petitions, writes letters, calls upon British authorities to end discriminatory laws


Forms Indian Ambulance Corps during the Boer War

901, October

Returns to India


Practice law, seeks Indian support of South African Indians

902, November

Recalled to South Africa to fight against anti-Asiatic legislation in Transvaa


Enrolled as Attorney of Supreme Court of Transvaal


Opposes Bengal Partition, appeals to British colonial officials to treat India as an @quot;integral part of the Empire"


Announces for Indian Home rule; declares disinterestedness in worldly goods; takes vow of celibacy for life

906, September

Organised Indian opposition to Transvaal Asiatic Laws; addresses a mass meeting of Indians at Johannesburg which takes an oath of passive resistance

907, January


907, March

New protest meetings held by Indians against the Asiatic Registration Act passed in Transvaal
Join now!


Petitions, addresses mass meetings, leads Smuts in Pretoria in opposition to the Registration Act

908, January

Gandhi adopts the word "Satyagraha" in place of "Passive Resistance" to describe his non-violence


Sentenced to two months imprisonment for failure to leave Transvaal


Gandhi agrees to voluntary registration if the Registration Act is repealed, is physically attacked by those who believe he had betrayed the Indian cause


Continues Satyagraha campaign against the Registration Act in Transvaal; visits England; seeks to influence British opinion

909, November

Writes ...

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