The causes and the political and social consequences of the Dreyfus Affair in France

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Alfred Dreyfus was born on the ninth of October 1859 in Mulhouse, France. He was the last of the nine children of Jacques Dreyfus and Rachel Katz.

In 1872, his family had the choice between French or German nationality after the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine by Germany in 1871. The Dreyfus family chose French nationality and moved to Paris in 1872.

At nine, he entered the professional school of Mulhouse, which was reserved for the “bourgeoisie”.

Alfred Dreyfus entered the “Ecole Polytechnique” in 1878 and became an Artillery Officer and in 1890, he chose to study at the “Ecole de Guerre” and he married Lucie Hadamard.

After his studies, he became a trainee captain at the "Etat Major" at the War ministry.

Although the Dreyfus family had a good relationship with the Christian French, Alfred Dreyfus’ great grand father had been a victim, in 1789, of the Terror, and of the violence against what was regarded as Jewish usury.

But after the “Serment du jeu de Paume”, the National Assembly passed a decree saying that the Jews would be under royal protection and on the 21st of September 1791, the deputies voted for the emancipation of the Jewish population.

However, there were still violent acts against the Jews in Alsace.

Alfred Dreyfus had no problem with money when he was at school because his father had a big company and when he died, he left a large sum to his family.

Until 1894, the life of Dreyfus was calm and happy but when he received a summons one morning from the Ministry, his life changed completely.

On the 15th of October, he had to go to the office of the "Etat Major" in a “tenue bourgeoise” which meant that he had to attend in civilian dress. He was supposed to meet General Boisdeffre but instead, he met the Commandant Paty de Clam who was waiting for him in the office with three unknown men. The Commandant pleaded an injured hand and asked Alfred Dreyfus to write a strange letter, which included sentences from a document “the bordereau” and this document was written by a French spy which had been found in the waste bin of a German officer. It was talking about the delivery of important information.

The atmosphere was tense; Dreyfus was trembling and was very cold, and thus the officers who were observing him found it incontestable that he was guilty of treason.

On the 15th of October, Dreyfus was arrested on the charge of high treason and he was sent to the “Cherche-Midi” prison.

He was sentenced to deportation for life in a high security prison. He claimed that he was innocent, but nobody believed him. On the 5th of January 1895 there was the "Dégradation" (he was deprived of his rank in the army; disgraced) in the garden of the Military School. Thus he was no longer an officer.

He was sent to Devil's Island in Guyana and there started his long martyrdom. His living conditions were appalling, and he felt totally isolated.

In France, people forgot Alfred Dreyfus, but his family did not. They would do everything to prove that Dreyfus was innocent.

I will study the causes and the political and social consequences of the “Affair” which was unprecedented.


    The affair initially was born from a major crisis of the Republic. After the great freedom laws voted between 1880 and 1884 (municipal freedom, trade-union freedom, freedom of the press and the secularisation of the schools), the system seemed to have exhausted its reforming capacity. For these years, in spite of, or because of, the growth of the socialist movement (50 deputies elected in 1893), the succeeding governments had no wish to make great social reforms, except for the law of 1892 on the factory inspectorate. The extreme Republican Left, around the Socialists and many radicals considered justifiably that the Republic was not playing its part any more, and this gave rise to the Boulangisme of the Left (The French political party derived from Général George Boulanger's name. There were three main ideas: revenge against Germany, the Revision of the constitution and the Restoration of the Monarchy). There was strong criticism of the Parliamentary mechanisms and of the Republican members in place while the monarchist group saw an opportunity to attack the “Gueuse” (the Republic).

From 1893, the Government passed little by little into the hands of people whom the Left did not consider as republican and which it detested, particularly the Presidents of the councils Jules Méline and Charles Dupuy. This crisis of confidence was exploited by those who aimed to prevent the domination of Parliament by the Traditional Right wing exemplified by the army, the Church and the nobility.

 How would the Republic evolve? It was a great question in a country where the Republic itself did not represent a simple political system. The Affair highlighted the xenophobic nationalism, which was a means of expression of a section of the population.

At the beginning of 1880, there was a huge economic crisis in France; there was a growing resentment of the foreigner who came to steal the work of French people, who came from a popular background (the Belgian in the North, the Italian in the South) or who was represented as a large voracious capitalist. The Jew as a “stateless person” was, for this reason “the worst foreigner from abroad”.

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 After the defeat of 1870, France was determined to improve itself and showed a deep will for revenge.  

 The most spectacular reform concerned the Army, which became of great national interest. However, it was an army with a professional structure inherited from the preceding regimes, where the aristocracy and the royalists were over dominant. The institution had complete independence in recruitment and control. The officers had no opinion of the non-professional soldiers.

   However, despite this, the army was gradually forced into more democratic and modern methods. The officers, better trained, left the Polytechnique School (“postards”) or Sainte ...

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