The third French Republic.

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The third French Republic.

Defeat on the Franco-Prussian War signalled the end of the Second French Empire. With Napoleon III abdication following the battle of Sedan, France’s political future was a little unstable, as napoleon III ad left no clear successor.

 The Third French Republic was declared by the National Assembly and led by Adolphe Theirs. However at the time of its proclamation it had no legal backing and as a subsequent election showed the majority of Frenchmen favoured a restoration of the monarchy, but as loyalties were divided between three rival candidates, the republican government came to be seen as the form of government that “divided Frenchmen least”.

One of the first tasks of the this new administration was to end the war with Germany as quickly as possible which it did with the Treaty of Frankfurt, 1871. Its terms were harsh with the Surrender of Alsace-Lorraine, an area rich in raw materials (coal, iron ore etc) to Germany and the payment of war indemnities of 5 billion francs. This led to great feelings of bitterness among the French.

1871’s Paris Commune, essentially a French Civil War was a reflection of the dissatisfaction that existed amongst the French public. Paris, who had endured a four month siege by the Germans resented the fact that the seat of government was to be in Bordeaux ( and the Versailles). Theirs sparked off hostilities when he ordered the dismemberment of the National Guard, Paris’ own militia. This led to a rebel group of Communards being formed. By the end of the conflict over 20,000 people had been killed and many of Paris’ finest buildings had been destroyed.

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The Boulanger Affair was the first major political crisis to face the Republic. General George Boulanger was made Minister for War in 1886 and given the task of reorganising the army which he did with great aplomb. He gained much popularity and support by his rousing speeches against Bismarck’s Germany. However more moderate members of government were afraid that his speeches would provoke them into a war with Germany and so demoted him to a provincial office. This move caused him to gain an even greater following as he became a ‘darling of the discontented’. He was persuaded to ...

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