There are many different issues of disagreement between the British government and American colonists between the years 1763-1774, which in effect led to the American Revolution. The British government were plagued by dept

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There are many different issues of disagreement between the British government and

American colonists between the years 1763-1774, which in effect led to the American

Revolution. The British government were plagued by dept, which totalled £137

million by 1763 with an annual interest of £5 million alone. Where was this money to

come from? Common belief was that American colonies were not contributing

sufficiently towards the cost of their own defence nor carrying their fair share of the

burden.1   Crisis began when parliament began to impose duties on American colonies

in an attempt to raise revenue to offset these war debts and to help pay for the running

of the colonies. Colonists become deeply angry as they saw these acts as a direct

attempt by the British government to control their colonies.  The Stamp Act was the

first internal tax and raised questions about British parliamentary power in America

and their right to impose taxes on the colonies. It was these fundamental questions

that would led to major problems with Britain and eventually “ triggered a drastic

transformation if American society and politics”  2   

The end of the French and Indian war in 1763 was a cause for celebration as it

removed barriers and opened up many new opportunities for the colonists. The Great

Western Frontier now belonged to the British and the first thing on the minds of the

colonists was that this area was now open to them. The proclamation act 1763 did

much to dampen that celebration and was the first stage of the crisis between the

British government and the American colonists. The area west of the Appalachian

Mountains was turned into an Indian reservation, thus limiting the territory in which


colonist could expand. The aim was to maintain peace in the west and to channel the

1,2. Bonwick, Colin, The American Revolution, London 1992, 70, 56

migration of people northward and southward into the new colonies.3  However these

attempts to provide Indian stability merely created instability and caused anger among

the colonists. British government saw proclamation as a reasonable document.

Parliament wished to maintain peace with the Indians, mainly for financial reasons, as

war was expensive. However from the colonist’s point of view proclamation was

totally unreasonable. They saw the act as an attempt by parliament to pen them in

along the coast where they would be easier to control. Proclamation also reduced the

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power of colonial governments. Colonists condemned the act as an oppressive

measure introduced by an alien government.

The Sugar Act was passed in 1764 with a goal of raising £100,000, which would offset

was debts brought on by the French and Indian war. The act increased duties on

imported sugar and other items such as textiles, coffee, wine and indigo. Most

importantly the Sugar Act reduced the duty on foreign molasses by halving it to 3

pence per gallon in an attempt to stop colonists smuggling. Parliament ...

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