What advice would you give to Labor Leadership in light of the recent research on voting behavior?

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What advice would you give to Labor Leadership in light of the recent research on voting behavior?

Over the past twenty-five years the issues important to the British electorate have changed dramatically.  In light of these shifts in voting behavior the best advice to Labor leaders would be to continue doing exactly what they are doing.  Thus far New Labor has reacted well to maximize the latest in campaign strategies and voter trends.  Now that New Labor has successfully positioned themselves in response to these voter trends Labor’s goal should be to squash the conservative party as a political force and marginalize it as an ideology.  In pluralist politics party power usually fluctuates in more or less regular cycles.  Even though Labor’s dominance seems overwhelming the Tories will eventually reform and return to power, just as New Labor reformed the Labor party after 18 years of Conservative rule.  However, every once in a great while political paradigms shift.  In such rare cases the vary nature of the two party political structure shifts creating new parties of dominance or radically altering the old parties remaining in power.   Presently Labor is faced with such a situation.

Voting behavior has changed rapidly and the Conservatives are yet to respond.  If New Labor can capitalize on the Tories failure to adjust to the modern political world they may be able to replace the Conservatives with the Liberal Democrats as the opposition party in Parliament.  Instead of merging the two parties creating a Lib-Lab alliance if Labor makes New-Labor and the Liberal Democrats Britain’s two prominent parties Labor could ensure the security of the welfare state as well as promoting issues important to both parties.  Any discrepancy between the two parties would become the new focus of British politics, where even a loss to the liberal democrats would be preferable to the threat posed by the old conservative party.


        To do this Labor must continue to take advantage of new voter trends by monopolizing the issues of the 21st Century.  The first step toward this is understanding the new and complex nature of British politics.  Party support is no longer dominated by economic division and can no longer be defined by regional support.  In the past manual workers could be depended upon to vote Labor just as people in non-manual jobs could be expected to support the Conservatives.  However since the 1970s trade union  membership has dropped by over 20 percent.  As trade union activity has steadily declined so has class based voting.  Between 1945 and 1970 nearly two-thirds of manual laborers voted Labor and non-manual workers voted Conservative.  By 1997 only about 45% of voters followed that same class-party loyalty.  A Wallace and Jenkins study argues that political participation now reflects  a new class composed of middle-class activists.  This new politically aware class is concerned with campaigns for issues such as animal rights, environmental protection and education.

        In addition to class several other factors must be taken into account.  Age, race, gender, and region are all key political determinants that can be exploited by the Labor party by monopolizing issues important to significant voter groups.  The Labor party does not have to cater to the demands of these groups to maintain support.  Rather they can present themselves as the alternative to the conservative party.  This involves defining the Tories to a small and specific support base.  Because of the publics perception of Conservatives being elitists of one race, age, class and gender, Labor can alienate the Conservatives by defining them as White Old Rich Men (W.O.R.M.).  If New Labor is able to stigmatize  the conservative party they will win voters or at least drive Tory support to the Liberal Democrats.  

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THE NEW VOTER TRENDS, Socio-psycological Model and Issue Voting.

There numerous factors that influence voter behavior, and these influences act in complicated ways to dictate party support.  However, there are two significant and easily exploitable trends in modern voting behavior, socio-psycological party attachment and issue voting.  New Labor should exploit issue voting blocks in order to stigmatize voters who are not members of the white old rich male conservative elite.  In this way Labor will build a base of party support that will remain loyal for the years to come.  By supporting a few issues key to important socio-psycological ...

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