What immigration policy should Britain have?

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Year 11 Citizenship

What immigration policy should Britain have?

There are many reasons why people may want to come and live in Britain.  For example Britain is a wealthy country and because of its wealth people want to come to live in Britain so that they can earn more money and escape poverty or just seek out a better life for themselves and perhaps their family. Not only Britain’s wealth attracts people but also the fact that there is no current war in Britain or persecution for political or religious beliefs so Britain can also be seen as a safe haven as people are free  to believe what they want to, within reason and there political opinion isn’t disregarded. Unemployment is a factor that effects a lot of countries even Britain and even though unemployment isn’t very low in Britain but if you are able to get a job the pay is in most cases far higher than that of their country of origin.

The British government has to decide what kind of immigration policy we should have.  There are a number of possibilities.

Firstly, the government could have an ‘open border’ policy.  The definition of ‘open border’ is this -
  • An open border is a border that allows unrestricted entry and exit. An open territorial border allows the unrestricted movement of persons and goods for any purpose. An open civic border allows non-members freely to acquire the rights of residence, work, and/or citizenship. So basically anyone who wants to come to Britain should be allowed to do so.

From a human right perspective this is a good thing as preventing freedom of movement is a moral violation of human rights and discriminates on the basis of nationality as humans are all equal. This also allows people to more easily move back and forth between their country of origin and new opportunities so this mans that people are no longer required to be separated for long periods of time. The borders are also very expensive to run so by opening the borders would stop wasteful, very costly policing borders. This would also mean that they don’t have to take time consuming processing and legal proceedings that are a result of processing refugee applications. On the other hand however the population might become too big for the government to control. This may cause large amounts of people from the third world to come to Britain until Britain ends up like their home countries as Britain will run out of resources for such a large population. An economist Milton Friedman said ‘You cannot have both open borders and a welfare system.’ This shows that the economy would suffer greatly and in the end this policy would have a poor outcome. Also if the borders were opened then Britain would not be able to preserve key elements of their economy. This would almost probably lead to chaos and Britain would end up in more debt as more people = more benefits and Britain is in enough debt as it is, we are helping to bail other countries out of debt we don’t want to have to be bailed out ourselves.

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The government might decide on a policy of ‘skilled people only’. This means that only those with the right skills required by the British economy should be allowed in. The advantages of this policy are by only allowing skilled people into Britain this would benefit the economy. This could prevent the country going into recession if they create new businesses, creating more jobs. This way Britain would only accept people that they need in their economy and this wouldn’t affect the population to much so there would still be enough resources for everyone. The NHS relies on skilled ...

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