What is the role of Interest groups in Contemporary British Politics?

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Andrew Dixon

What is the role of Interest groups in Contemporary British Politics?

This essay will address what interest groups bring to the political environment.  This includes looking at differing types of interest groups and how they work in politics.  The aims and ideologies of interest groups will be viewed and, how their relationships with political parties and government shape their role in contemporary British politics discussed. The degree to which the role is of importance at this current time and what positive and negative aspects the role brings to the political spectrum are issues to consider.  These aims will ensure the essay discovers the role that interest group’s play and if they are (and in what ways they are) a contributing addition to Politics in Britain.

As there are a greater number of people who belong to pressure groups than to parties it is clear of their importance in society.  These groups play a larger part in the influence of political and economic decisions than a superficial glance at political activity recalls.  

Definitions are of importance if we are to analyse and explore the role of interest groups.  This helps create an understanding of what we are talking about when considering “interest groups”.  An interest group is a “group of individuals/firms which have shared interests/attitudes which articulate demands on political authorities”

Also known as pressure groups, interest groups today can be easily identified and different types defined.  This has not always been the case and is only apparent today due to the developments of politics and its culture.

The society for effecting the abolition of the slave trade, 1787, shows an early group fitting the criteria of such an interest group by today’s standards and its success showed that there would one day be a role for such interest groups.

Interest groups are now populist and offer a service to members.  Levels of organisation differ depending on the interest group in question and the level at which the group works, for example, locally, nationally or internationally.  Their attributes can seem to start to liken them to political parties. However this is far from true as interest groups have a single area concern, logically as this political area is their interest.  Also they do not contest or stand for elections and have no aims of becoming a government.

Pressure groups may be Sectional/Interest groups that base themselves on the performance of an economic structure and protect their members’ interests.  They tend to be conventional groups as they attempt to influence policy by following the law and keeping ties with the more central power holders within the state.  This means they are much more likely to be “insider” groups.  Insider groups are consulted on a regular basis by the government. For these reasons they keep a more organised structure than the other type of interest group, promotional/cause groups.  These, much more diverse aim to promote their ideology and cause is rarely financial, but due to beliefs.  They are unconventional opting for more direct action, like protesting.  It is this approach that means government links are poor if at all and they become outsider groups.  Outsider groups either do not want to become closely involved with the government or are unable to gain government recognition.

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Everyday individuals and societies groups are given right to pursuing beliefs by the existence of interest groups.  They provide the link between the like minded and the source of action to correct the wrongs seen to exist in the political world.

Interest groups undertake two things, advancing their ideas and satisfying its members.  For promotional groups such as CND and Green peace this can be conflicting as they promote ideas that are not directly related to membership.

Type of interest group can affect the relations with government, which in turn can define the role of the group. ...

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