Which features of Russian society were likely to cause problems for the Tsarist government in the first decade of the 20th century?

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Which features of Russian society were likely to cause problems for the Tsarist government in the first decade of the 20th century?

During the 1st decade of the 20th century the Tsarist government were faced with many rising problems from the society in Russia. Tension slowly increased in the society.

      The Russia of the tsars in the 19th century was an absolute monarchy. The Tsarist government experienced many difficulties with the opposition. There were many political parties who disagreed with the policies of the Tsar. Such parties were the liberals, communists and socialists. Many of the political parties were repressed which meant they had to live abroad. The Tsar did not tolerate extreme political groups that aimed to destroy the present government. Therefore they used a group of secret police to persecute opposition groups many of which were deported into Siberia or forced into exile.  

      The liberals were seen as the most moderate of the opposition groups. The aim of the Liberals was to introduce parliamentary democracy similar to those in the USA, France and Great Britain. This group achieved some success with the establishment of the Duma, or Russian parliament, in 1906. However, the Duma was really just a talking-shop and had no real influence over the Tsar. 

        The second major opposition group was the Social Revolutionaries who wished to create a new Russian society based on the traditional community of the peasant village.  They wanted a peasant revolution.

      The third group was the communists influenced by the writings of Karl Marx, a German Jew in exile in Great Britain from 1849. Marx was a philosopher and economist who believed that societies were constantly changing. Marx believed that whoever controlled the means of production (e.g. owners of land or factories) would then end up exploiting all the other groups in that society. As one class grew in dominance it would establish religious, social and cultural organisations to maintain its power. But, Marx claimed that this power structure never lasted and that it would eventually collapse. Marx predicted that the industrial workers in each country would rise against the middle and upper classes and seize control of the means of production. Eventually a classless society would be created. This theory is known as communism.

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The communists saw Nicholas II, the aristocracy and the Church as the controllers and the oppressors of the Russian people. The communists aimed to overthrow the Tsar, the aristocracy and the Church and replace them with small councils or Soviets, which would represent the ordinary people and control the means of production on their behalf.

The communists were split amongst themselves. On one side were the Bolsheviks, who believed that a communist revolution in Russia could only be achieved under the guidance of a small elite of professional revolutionaries. The other communist group was the Mensheviks. The Mensheviks also ...

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