Why did Britain expand its Empire in Africa from 1880 to 1900?

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Why did Britain expand its Empire in Africa from 1880 to 1900?

In  the two most important European holdings in Africa were  and the Colony. The Cape Colony was a lock up point for the British Trading Fleet en route from India and the Far East. By  only  and the republic of  remained outside formal European control. The transition from an "informal empire" of control through economic dominance to direct control took the form of a "scramble" for territory by the nations of Europe.

Britain tried not to play a part in this early scramble- being more of a trading empire rather then a colonial empire, however it soon became clear it had to gain its own African empire to maintain the balance of power. This is the direct link to Hobson’s Theory of ‘Overseas Investments’.

Hobson saw the ‘greedy capitalists’ and the British Aristocracy, that he called the ‘shady elite’ to be investing into Africa to only gain personally at the start. However, when the problems began to raise the ‘shady elite’ would request the British Government to help and overtake the problems.  Hobson saw the partition of Africa as deliberate British policy for benefit of elite group of 'greedy capitalist' investors.  However, most investment in Africa occurred after the Scramble for Africa. This is due to the fact that Britain was more interested in the USA’s economy.

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As French,  and  activity in the Lower  region threatened to undermine orderly penetration of tropical Africa, the  of  sought to regulate the competition between the powers by defining "effective occupation" as the decisive factor for international acknowledgment of territorial claims.

This is the interlinking factor to A.J.P. Taylor’s ‘The Primacy of Political and Diplomatic Factors’. Taylor suggests that the Partition of African resulted from changes in the power politics and society in Europe. It is advanced by the creation of Germany in 1871, which upset the power balance in Europe. (France-Russia vs. Germany-Austria-Hungary became power balanced and therefore a power ...

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