Why did sectional tension strengthen during the 1850s?

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Why did sectional tension strengthen during the 1850s?

During the 1850s, there was instability within political parties. The decade saw the collapse of one of the two major parties, The Whigs, the split of the other, The Democrats, and the creation of a new party, The Republicans. The Compromise of 1850, aided by the Breakdown of the Party System, helped trigger other significant events, such as Bleeding Kansas and the Fugitive Slave Law. All of these helped to further the strife between North and South during the 1850s, but all carry one theme within them: slavery.

The Breakdown of the Party System, as mentioned above, saw the collapse of the Whigs. This occurred due to the rise of the Know-Nothing Party, who were anti-immigrant. Their policies reflected the high immigration suffered by the Union between 1846 and 1855, so they were more of a Northern party, since the South didn’t experience the immigration the North did. When the Republicans emerged in 1856, they were a very Northern Party, in that they were antislavery. The fact the Democrats, the most major party in the 1850s, split into Northern and Southern factions suggests that the Party System was now geared towards sectional parties rather than the politics of the earlier years, where parties tried to appease both sections. Sectional parties would look to benefit their own sections, so there would most probably be political disputes.

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The 1850 Compromise, as a single event, caused more tension than any other in this time. The expansion of slavery into westwards territory had caused the North and South to be divided, the North wanting to prevent expansion into California, etc (California applied to the Union as a free state, a decision, which, if granted, would tip the power in the Senate in the North’s favour, leading to frequent threats of secession from Southern states). The 1850 Compromise attempted to solve this problem, but this proved more difficult as it did not address all of the issues dividing the sections ...

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