Behaviourism focuses exclusively on external and observable behaviours. There are two main believers to that all behaviour is determined by environmental influences

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P1Behaviourism focuses exclusively on external and observable behaviours.  There are two main believers to that all behaviour is determined by environmental influences (i.e. learning). They are Ivan Pavlov and Burrhus Frederic Skinner. They both say that all behaviour can be explained in terms of conditioning. There are two main types;- Classical conditional- learning by association- which was Pavlov main theory, he used this by doing an experiment on dogs- Pavlov harnessed a dog to an apparatus which, by means of a tube inserted in the
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animals cheek,  and measured the amount of salvation obtained during the experiment. Salvation is the normal reflex response to food in the mouth, what he found was that hungry untrained dogs do not salivate when a bell is sounded, but if food was offered after sounding a bell, eventually the dog would associate the bell with the food and would salivate merely at the sound of the bell. The second was Operant conditioning- which was mostly connected through Skinner, this conditioning was learning through consequences (i.e. positive and negative reinforcement stamp behaviour in or out). Skinner experiment was an apparatus ...

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