Central Traits. 'On the basis of one word participants will make bias judgements on the personality of two complete strangers.' Discuss.

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Sophie Davies

Psychology coursework

Social psychology- Impression formation

My psychology coursework is criticising Solomon Asch’s 1946 study on central traits and how they influence the impression we form of others. I criticise the study because it requires participants to form an impression on somebody who in fact doesn’t exist.

Therefore I propose to successfully prove that the central traits- “warm” and “cold” do actually effect our impression of others in real life.

My hypothesis is that on the basis of one word participants will make bias judgements on the personality of two complete strangers.

I will give a list of neutral words to describe my two confederates one list will consist of the central trait, cold and the other, warm. After this both the confederates will read out the same irrelevant bulletin notice and interact with the class. I will then present a class of year 7 students with a tick list with additional peripheral traits to describe both the confederates.

I have numerous extraneous variables to control throughout my experiment.

Firstly to make sure my participants based the additional traits purely on the list of words I read out. I used to female identical twins, this eliminates the issue of the Halo effect, the class would not judge the confederates personality by simply their looks. I also limited the conversation they could have as the list of words did not in fact apply to the confederates and they could give away their true personality easily.

Furthermore my class, being quite young and new to the school,  must be told of the anonymity of the experiment and I must brief them beforehand so they know not to worry that they could get in trouble for, for example, giving a negative opinion about one of my confederates.

For my experiment I also require a              research method, I needed a year seven class- around 20 students of 11 year old male and females. This is simply to ensure that confederates have not been previously acquainted with any of the participants otherwise they may have some basis knowledge to judge their additional traits on and this could alter my experiment and cause incorrect results. Therefore my sample is not that able to generalise to everyone as it is only subject to one particular age group, class and ethnicity.

However I do need to make my experiment ecologically valid therefore it will take place in a class situation with the appropriate permission of the class teacher. This will make certain that the circumstance can be related to real/school life. It will simply portray a student passing on a school notice from a particular member of staff.

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My Independent variable is the central trait, “cold” or “warm” and my dependant variable is whether the additional traits are positive or negative, so the results of the tick list.


I will need the following to carry out my experiment, a tick list with a range of both positive and negative peripheral traits, it will also require the participant to circle their sex so I can later on refer to this factor in my results. An example of the tick list;

The tick list consists of ten positive characteristics and ten negative characteristics the class ...

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