Discuss one explanation of Personality Development and evaluate its conclusion.

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Discuss one explanation of personality development and evaluate its conclusion.

For this assignment I am going to discuss Freud’s perspective of personality development.  Freud used psychoanalytic theories that are based around the emotional development of the personality, whereas Erikson’s psychosocial theory focuses more on the role of social factors in development.  Personality development can be broken down into three strands within Freud’s theory: the personality structure, defence mechanisms and psychosexual development.

Personality can be defined as ‘ the distinctive and characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behaviour that define an individual’s personal style, and influence his or her interactions with the environment’.  (Atkinson et al, 1992)

Freud developed his theories by psychoanalysing adults, mostly middle-aged women and individuals with personality problems.  He used various methods to study his patients, such as, dream analysis; which are interpretations of individual’s dreams as they are a “window on the unconscious” (Davenport, 1988), free association; where the person is given a word or a phrase and encouraged to say the first thing that enters their head and ‘slips of the tongue’; which is when a person says something in error but these can subconsciously reflect what they really mean.  

Freud suggests that adult personality is derived from the interaction between the desires for pleasure and how early desires were gratified.  He believed that all human behaviour is controlled by drives, which he relates to human instincts.  Freud insisted that there are two forces feeding our instinctual urges with energy; the Libido and the Death Instinct; the Libido being a sexual energy and the Death Instinct being more of an aggressive energy.  

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According to Freud, the adult human mind is made up of three different parts and levels of awareness; the unconscious mind, which he named the ‘Id’; the preconscious mind, which he named the ‘Superego’, and the conscious mind, which he named the ‘Ego’.

The Id is at the centre of a person’s very being.  It is the initial part of a human’s personality structure, which exists, right from birth and can be described as the most primitive instinct.  This part of the personality craves satisfaction and pleasure; therefore it has been coined ‘the pleasure principle’.

The Ego ...

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The Quality of Written Communication (QWC) is fine. Despite the challenging terminology, there is a sound handling on spelling, punctuation and grammar consistent throughout the answer. Possibly, a wider range of punctuation points to increase the QWC mark as it shows a more confident and enthusiastic writer capable of using more complex form of punctuation to shape their answer.

The Level of Analysis shown is entirely indicative of someone operating at a high B/low A grade for GCSE. There is particularly good (though possibly unbalanced) emphasis on the explanation of Freudian theory, and quite little evaluation in comparison. Even so, the candidate has structured the answer well, commenting on a theory and then evaluating it as they progress through the answer, rather than listing all of Freud's beliefs about personality and then trying to evaluate in one large chunk towards the end. To improve their answer though, I would advise that they aim for a more balanced evaluation, with perhaps an awareness of the fact that Psychodynamic Psychology is not an objective practice, and therefore is wildly unreliable due to experiment bias and interpretation. Despite being the oldest psychological perspective of modern Psychology, there is no scientific data to prove or refute Freud's theories, so this could have been emphasised more explicitly in the evaluation, as this is quite commonly considered the main rebuttal to Freud's theories, which themselves are quite hard to grasp sometimes. I do however, like the use of specialist terminology and it's appropriate use throughout the essay. There is a good level of terminology used showing that the candidate is aware of the specialist vocabulary required of higher level candidates.

The response shown here is in receipt of a question asking candidates to discuss an explanation of personality development and evaluate the theories it proposes. The candidate has chosen to explain Freudian Psychosexual Development and how our younger years, spent in a more unconscious state inform the rest of our lives. I would have liked to have seen a lot more of the latter definitive of Freudian Theory, though it can be said there is an excellent focus on the first part of the question, where by the candidate demonstrates a good level of understanding towards Freud's personality theories.