Outline and evaluate the psychodynamic model of abnormality.

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Sudha Purswani 12LML

Miss Alverez

Outline and evaluate the psychodynamic model of abnormality.

One of the most difficult tasks for those working within the field of psychology is to define abnormality. However, it is possible to try and define abnormality by using a range of models to help us, the psychodynamic model being one of them.

It was Freud who developed the concept of the psychodynamic approach. The idea behind this was to use ‘talking therapy’ to bring past memories from the unconscious to the conscious. The unconscious is when you are doing or thinking something without being alert or aware that you are doing it. Along the idea of the unconscious Freud also developed the concept of the ID, the Ego and the Superego. The id is described as an impulsive, selfish side to our personality which is ruled by a pleasure principle, the superego is the moral part of our personality which recognises right from wrong; and our ego is the part of our mind which tries to rationalise and arbitrate both sides of our thoughts. Freud believed that there were two main causes of abnormality in general. One of these was childhood traumas and the idea that a bad memory from our childhood is so traumatic that it buries itself in our subconscious. This is what is believed to cause problems later on in our adult life. The second cause was the concept that our mind has not learned to rationalise our id and our superego, and that our ego is undergoing unconscious conflict which causes us anxiety, and excessive use of defence mechanisms. Defence mechanisms are powerful, unconscious influences on our behaviour which are used as coping strategies. These distort or deny reality allowing us to cope with any problems in our lives. Without them the anxiety would become a threat to our mental health. It is believed that a psychologically healthy person is able to develop a capability to balance the id and the superego without encountering any psychological problems. There are six recognised defence mechanisms: repression, denial, projection, regression, displacement, and sublimation.

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There are many advantages to using the psychodynamic model to help us to define abnormality. The psychodynamic model consists of purely ‘talking therapy’ which means it is physically non invasive. No drugs or medication have to be used to solve the underlying mental disorder, unlike the biological model which consists purely of drug treatment and physically carrying out medical procedures. The psychodynamic model also helps us to find the root cause of the problem in the unconscious which helps the patient find a long term permanent cure, whereas in the biological model, the symptoms disappear in the patient but ...

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