Perspectives on Divorce

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3)         There are many parts of the brain that effect the way we live and act every single day. There is the frontal lobe which controls planning, organizing, coordinating and controls movements, reasoning and the overall thinking process. I have used my frontal lobe today when I decided to write this essay, and how I was going to set it up. There is the temporal lobe which controls hearing. I used this today when I listened to my Ipod in the halls. There is the cerebellum which controls balance, movement, and coordination. I used this today when I tried to dance during lunch (key word tried…..). There is also the occipital lobe which controls vision. I used this today when I read a book during English. The possibly most important part of the brain is the medulla, which controls vital functions. I used this today when I had to go from the first floor to the third floor, and I had to catch my breath. When people say “your eyes don’t see, your nose doesn’t smell, your tongue doesn’t taste, your ears don’t hear, and your skin doesn’t touch; your brain does it all” they are saying although we associate all of those senses with their respective body part really we cant see, touch, taste and so on without our brain first processing it and telling our bodies what is going on.

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2)        The psychoanalytical perspective says someone may get a divorce because their parents had gotten a divorce, so that’s what the have seen is normal. This perspective says that many behaviors are based on childhood experiences. If someone grew up with divorced parents, they would see that that is an acceptable way to live their life and not see a problem with it. Also, the psychoanalytical perspective looks at the impulses and desires of a person, someone might get a divorce because their ID tells them they want to have multiple partners, and not want to be in a committed ...

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There are some good points made in this work regarding reasons for divorce from various theoretical perspectives. The main area for improvement is around the use of key terminology from the theory being discussed. For instance in the work regarding humanistic theory, the idea of self-actualisation was discussed but the terminology wasn't used. Demonstrate your clear understanding of the subject matter by using the correct terms. I noted that the answers are not numbered in order, and it was not clear how the first response linked to the work later about divorce. Please make the link clear. The writing style was good overall. 3/5