The psychodynamic model of abnormality was initiated by Sigmund Freud

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Lee Kirby                Psychology Essay


The psychodynamic model pf abnormality is useful to an extent. However it has many weaknesses.

The psychodynamic model of abnormality was initiated by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud was very interested in hysteria. This is the manifestation of physical causes. He became convinced that unconscious mental causes were responsible not just abnormality but also normality. Freud developed Psychoanalysis. This is a set of techniques for treating the unconscious causes of mental disorders and built up a psychoanalytic theory of how human personality and abnormality develop from childhood. His psychoanalytic approach had a great impact on psychology and psychiatry and was developed by other psychodynamic theorists.

Psychoanalysis had a very fixed set of assumptions. One of these is the unconscious processes where many important influences on behaviour come from a part of the mind we have no awareness of called the unconscious. Another assumption is psychodynamic conflict. Different parts of the mind are in constant struggle with each other and the consequences of this are important in understanding behaviour. Freud also believed that behaviour is motivated by sexual and aggressive drives. The drives create psychic energy that builds up and create tension and anxiety if it cannot be released. Another assumption is development where personality is shaped by relationships, experiences and conflict, particularly during childhood.

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Freud’s psychoanalysis is probably the most important psychodynamic theory. His ideas developed ad changed over time. In Freudian psychoanalysis, the psyche (mind) is seen as having three main mental processes, innate drives, reason and morality. Freud (1923) divided the psyche into three parts. The first being the Id (unconscious mind).  This is the largest part and is innate. It is the source our desires. It is selfish and operates on the pleasure principle and only wants the gratification it desires. The second is the Ego (Conscious mind). This is fully formed from around two years of age and develops ...

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