“Explain why the Suffering, Death and Resurrection are Important For Christians today”

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AO2 - “Explain why the Suffering, Death and Resurrection are Important For Christians today”


Jesus has influenced many people. Such as Oscar Romero, Martin Luther King and others are examples of Modern day Christians who have given up their lives because of the influence of Jesus. These are ordinary people who have decided to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and spread his message of love, peace and justice.

Oscar Romero

Romero was the bishop of San Salvador, the capitol of El Salvador, which at the time was a country in turmoil led by a military dictatorship. The rich ruled the poor and 20% of the population ruled 80% of the land. Despite this Romero was blind to the common labourers suffering, all this change however when a priest who was also a friend of his was murdered for speaking out against the government.

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It was after this point that Romero began to realise the oppression and poverty that the ordinary person had to live and work under. He began to speak out against the government and despite warnings and arrests he wouldn’t stop more and more people flocked to hear his message and he became a big thorn in the governments side.

It soon became obvious that the government was out for his blood but Romero didn’t stop his speeches in fact he became more and more vocal. This led to the government having him assassinated while giving mass. Making ...

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