“In our society, prejudice causes just as many problems as it did in Jesus day. It can take as much courage to overcome it today as it did then."

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RE Coursework “In our society, prejudice causes just as many problems as it did in Jesus day. It can take as much courage to overcome it today as it did then."         When Jesus was alive there were many prejudices around. Some people considered themselves better than others who had little money, had diseases or were of a different religion. Tax collectors were prejudiced against by the Jews  because they were not
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only collecting the money the Romans told them to but also a handsome sum for themselves. The tax collectors were employed by the Romans to collect extortionate sums of money from Jews who could not afford to pay up. The tax collectors made the Jewish citizens pay even more. Most tax collectors were fraudsters but even the few who weren't were still prejudiced against by the Jews. The tax collectors were viewed as traitors to the Jewish cause and treated w In Jesus’ time Lepers were prejudiced against by Jews and Gentiles. They were treated as outcasts and made to ...

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