A03: "A priest should always refuse the sacraments to those who do not practice their faith

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A03: “A priest should always refuse the sacraments to those who do not practice their faith.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than one point of view.

No I do not agree with statement.  A priest should not refuse the sacraments to those who do not practice their faith. I think this as it is very difficult to establish who does not have faith i.e. a person may not attend mass or the sacraments on a frequent basis but still lead a Christian Life. They may be perfectly good, love their neighbour, and follow all 10 commandments. They may also do a lot within the community to help. These people could be living the life that Jesus recommended in everything else they do. They may feel it is sufficient to worship God in their own special ways, for example, praying at home.  Can any human being judge the worthiness of another? God is the only one who can decide this.  Jesus never turned anyone away who came to Him with sincerity and an open heart. His enemies could not understand how a great teacher and Holy man could associate with such low class people and this made his opponents complain but Jesus still showed love to sinners.  If someone today with sincerity and an open heart wishes to receive the sacraments can a priest who is acting on behalf of Jesus turn them away? We must remember how Jesus would have acted to those who want to repent.  Jesus would have never turned anyone away.

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However, some people are of the opposite opinion and think that a priest should refuse the sacraments to those who do not practice their faith.  This is because some Catholics believe the priest has an obligation to refuse the sacraments to those whom he knows to be in a serious state of sin or unworthy of receiving God’s grace. Sacraments involve the community.  When a person does not practice their faith they cut themselves off from a supportive Christian community who could help a person’s faith grow and develop.  Should a priest administer the sacraments to those who do ...

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